
Welcome to the West Cumbria Dyslexia Association where you can find support and help with dyslexia issues.

The WCDA is run by a small group of dedicated volunteers. Our aims and objectives are to help children and young adults with reading and writing challenges. To provide them with the tools that will enable them to reach their full potential and gain a better education. We understand how the dyslexic brain works and how to bring out the best from a child with this wonderful ability of being able to see things differently. Our members have a wealth of experience and knowledge about dyslexia which we are keen to pass on to parents struggling with the current school system.

Your child is gifted, a ‘problem solver’, extremely resourceful, artistic, and very intelligent.

We are a voluntary organisation and a registered charity.

Services we offer:

  • Helpline for people with queries about dyslexia in adults or children and the support available.
  • Befrienders, the opportunity to chat in person to those experienced in dealing with dyslexia.
  • Saturday Classes for children with dyslexia or reading and spelling difficulties. in Maryport, Seascale, and Carlisle.
  • Liaison with schools and adult education centres.
  • Meetings with visiting speakers and fundraising events.
  • Links to specialised help.
  • Run regular ‘Tech Day’ Events where parents and teachers can come and find out more about the latest technology and teaching aids.

WCDA covers Copeland and Allerdale and Carlisle and we do respond to calls from outside the area.

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Click here to view our WCDA Safeguarding Policy 2019